You've heard of frost on the pumpkin? Well, you know we're in Utah when there's snow on the pumpkin.

But we're getting ahead of ourselves...

The Friday before Halloween, Mary threw a Halloween party where (almost) everyone came in costume, and (almost) everyone got rip-roaring drunk -- as only stressed out grad students can do.

This is Matt as Eminem. Did we mention he's our boss? And, yes, he is really doing karaoke. Scary, eh?

Anna and I went as Flaming Pajama Twins. Okay, it was the best we could do on short notice -- but we do look damn cute if we do say so ourselves. Matching penguins and everything!

Yes, we usually dress like this to teach class. From left we have Greg, Jordy, Mary, Anna, and Em-err Matt.

Jordy and Liz, who is dressed as a Utah child bride. Strangely, more people congratulated her than commented on her costume.

Anna and Anna. Well, really it's Anna and Mary as Anna Nicole Smith. Besides, Anna's about 80 years too young for the real Anna Nicole Smith.

On October 30th, Jordy's birthday, Anna asked what the weather was like. Jordy opened to blinds to discover a minor blizzard.

Here we find Anna putting on her giant snow boots in preparation for doing battle with the elements. Doesn't she look thrilled?

As we head out to school, we see the birthday boy out in the snow. Yes, it really is that cold.

Outside temp: 24 degrees (plus a nasty windchill)

Here we see Anna yelling, "I Hate Utah!!" And it is still 24 degrees (did we mention the windchill?)

The road crew is fantastic about plowing and sanding the roads, but unfortunately we managed to beat them out this day. Notice the solid ice on the road.

Anna completely surprised Jordy by not only bringing all of his shirts to our theory class, but also getting all our fellow graduate instructors into the shirts without Jordy knowing!

Here we all pose in Jordy's slugshirts.

And again...

And, yet again...

And, look, it's a scene from "Jordy Christ Superstar!"

Jordy shows his love for Anna as they hug in front of a pile of Slugshirts (which really is a pile of love, too)

We've moved things around a bit in the kitchen. The microwave and toaster now have a niche up and away from our precious and extremely limited countertop space.

And, please note all the dishes are done and put away, a rare thing these busy days.

...And those dishes didn't do themselves. Here our daring camera captures the Jordalope in his native habitat: at the kitchen sink.

Times have become so tough that we cannot afford mittens, so Anna's taken to putting chickens on her hands to stay warm.

No really, it's Anna as the Iron Chef -- today's ingredient: Wal Mart Chicken.

With the semester now 2/3 through, we're really buckling down studying and correcting. Notice all the dirty cups on Anna's desk, and the Sponge Bob Square Pants hat Anna wears to stay warm. To the right you can see the glow of the flamingo lamp and in front of the sewing machine is a now-finished Slugshirt (picture forthcoming).

And sometimes we study way too much. Here Anna catches a brief nap while plowing through The Mistress of Manifest Destiny. The bed is the favorite reading spot in the GuiJensky house (as Mary has christened it).

For Jordy's birthday, Anna threw a little party. She made her famous fried chicken, mashed potatos, corn bread, and apple pie.

Here we see the aftermath: Jordy and Mary, who spent the night, are three sheets to the wind at this point -- a difficult thing to do in Utah.

We thought we'd take a picture of our new fish -- since the only other pictures of the tank show it as empty. And look, John, we have natural rocks! In fact, the rocks in the picture came all the way from Lake Oroville and the houseboat trip (thanks for helping haul that giant one, Stephanie!).

We've got the camera loaded with another roll of film, so there will be more pictures as the semester winds down and the mercury drops.

Stay tuned! :)